Translations German Translations English
Translations for "New York" found in: Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
New Yorker [indekl.]
New York [attr.]
New York {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
New York <NY> [Empire State]
New Yorkerin {f}
New York woman
New Yorkerin {f}
New York girl
New York {n} [die Stadt]
the Big Apple [Am.]
New York {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]
New York <NY> [Empire State]
En prins i New York [John Landis]
Coming to America
Nueva York {f}
New York
New York [attr.]
État {m} de New York [État des États-Unis, situé dans le nord-est du pays]
New York <NY> [Empire State]
1997: fuga da New York
Escape from New York [John Carpenter]
нью-йоркский nʹju-jorkskij
New York [attr.]
Нью-Йорк {м} [город] Nʹju-Jork
New York City <NYC>
New York
Nowy Jork {m}
New York
New York [attr.]
New York {m}
New York [state] <NY>
New York {m} [mesto]
New York City <NYC>
Newyorský dohovor {m}
New York Convention
Њујорк {м} NJujork
New York
Kuningas New Yorkissa
A King in New York [Charlie Chaplin]
New York
Suggest missing translations: LA, DA, PT, NO, HR, TR, BG, SQ, BS, EL, HU, RO, IS
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