Translations German Translations English
Translations for "R P R" found in: German, Icelandic, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
pro rata temporis <p.r.t.>
bei Bedarf
as needed <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata]
gegebenenfalls <ggf., ggfs., gfs.>
as the circumstances require <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata]
Ruhe sanft.
Rest in peace. <R.I.P.> [idiom]
Bedarfsmedikation {f}
pro re nata medication <PRN; p.r.n.>
Vila i frid.
Rest in peace. <R.I.P.>
upplýsingafulltrúi {k}
public relations officer <P.R.O.>
Republica {f} Populară Română <R.P.R., RPR>
Romanian People's Republic
Odihnească-se în pace!
Rest in peace! <R.I.P.>
Spoczywaj w pokoju. <SP>
Rest in peace. <RIP> <R.I.P.>
Odpočívaj v pokoji!
Rest in Peace <R.I.P.>
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