Translations German Translations English
Translations for "ace" found in: Albanian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
genial [ugs.] [super]
ace [coll.]
geil [ugs.] [super]
ace [coll.]
super [ugs.]
ace [coll.]
klasse [ugs.] [indekl.]
spitze [ugs.]
to ace [sl.] [cheat]
umlegen [ugs.] [salopp] [umbringen]
to ace [sl.] [to kill ]
Ass {n} [im Kartenspiel; im Tennis und Golf; auch ugs.: Könner]
ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
Ass {n}
ace [unreturned serve in tennis]
aas {de} {het} [kaartspel]
ace [card game]
ess {n}
ace [cards, tennis]
å bestå [en eksamen e.l.]
to ace [Am.] [coll.] [to do very well in an exam]
ess {n} [spillkort]
ace [playing card]
å vinne (i)
to ace [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in ]
å lykkes i
to ace [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in ]
ás {k}
ace [in cards]
as {m}
as {m} [col.] [persona buena en ]
ace [coll.] [expert in sport, game etc.]
Ás {m} [jogo de cartas]
ace [card games]
as {m}
ace [card]
ace {m} [un service gagnant]
as {m}
туз {м} tus
ace [cards]
эйс {м} ejs
ace [tennis]
подача {ж} на вылет podatscha na wylet
ace [tennis]
as {m} [karciany, serwisowy]
ace [cards, tennis]
as {m} [mistrz]
ace [champion]
eso {n} [karty, podání ve sportu]
ace [cards, tennis]
eso {n} [karty; tenis, golf ap.]
ace [in card games; tennis, golf etc.]
eso {n} [ľud.] [vynikajúci jednotlivec, odborník, profesionál]
ace [coll.] [expert, highly skilled person, excellent professional]
túz {m} [karty: eso]
ace [card games]
tromf {m}
kanón {m} [ľud.] [vynikajúci jednotlivec, odborník, profesionál]
ace [coll.] [expert, highly skilled person, excellent professional]
macher {m} [ľud.] [vynikajúci jednotlivec, odborník, profesionál]
ace [coll.] [expert, highly skilled person, excellent professional]
ас {м} as
ace [cards, tennis]
ässä [korttipeli, tennis; myös puhe.: onnistuja]
ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
as {m}
Suggest missing translations: IT, LA, DA, HR, TR, BG, EO, BS, EL, HU
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