Translations German Translations English
Translations for "authorisation" found in: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Bewilligung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Berechtigung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Autorisierung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Genehmigung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Befugnis {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Zulassung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Ermächtigung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Erlaubnis {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Bevollmächtigung {f}
authorisation [Br.]
Autorisation {f}
authorisation [Br.]
bevestiging {de}
authorisation [Br.]
autorisatie {de}
authorisation [Br.]
autorisasjon {m}
authorisation [Br.]
autorización {f}
authorisation [Br.]
autorisation {f}
authorisation [Br.]
habilitation {f}
authorisation [Br.]
autorizație {f}
authorisation [Br.]
авторизация {ж} awtorisazija
authorisation [Br.]
autoryzacja {f}
authorisation [Br.]
upoważnienie {n}
authorisation [Br.]
одобрење {ж} odobrenje
authorisation [Br.]
odobrenje {n}
authorisation [Br.]
authorisation [Br.]
lejim {m}
authorisation [Br.]
Suggest missing translations: IT, LA, DA, PT, TR, CS, BG, EO, BS, FI, EL, SV, SK
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