Translations German Translations English
Translations for "cattle" found in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Rinder- [z. B. Knochen, Rasse, Haltung, Pest]
cattle [attr.] [e.g. bone, breed, farming, plague]
Vieh- [z. B. Züchter, Händler, Waggon, Futter, Herde]
cattle [attr.] [e.g. breeder, dealer, car, feed, herd]
Vieh {n}
cattle {pl}
Rinder {pl}
cattle {pl}
Rindvieh {n}
cattle {pl}
Rind {n} [kurz für: Hausrind]
cattle {pl} [Bos taurus]
Viehzeug {n}
cattle {pl}
Hausrind {n}
cattle {pl} [Bos taurus]
Hausrinder {pl}
cattle [Bos primigenius taurus]
vee {het}
cattle {pl}
kvæg {n}
cattle {pl}
storfe {n}
cattle {pl}
kveg {n}
cattle {pl}
nautfé {hv}
cattle {pl}
nautgripir {k.ft}
cattle {pl}
nautpeningur {k}
cattle {pl}
búsmali {k}
cattle {pl}
vacuno {m}
cattle {pl}
garça-vaqueira [Bras.] [Bubulcus ibis]
cattle egret
bœufs {} [bovins]
bétail {m}
cattle {pl}
troupeau {m}
bovins {}
cattle {pl}
airone {m} guardabuoi [Bubulcus ibis]
cattle egret
vite {pl}
cattle {pl}
египетская цапля {ж} [Bubulcus ibis] egipetskaja zaplja
cattle egret
bydło {n}
cattle {pl}
dobytek {m}
skot {m}
dobytok {m}
cattle {pl}
statok {m} [dobytok]
cattle {pl}
stoka {f}
cattle {pl}
marva {f} [razg.] [stoka]
cattle {pl}
marha {f} [razg.] [zast.] [stoka]
cattle {pl}
goveda {pl}
cattle {sg}
marha {sg}
cattle {pl}
γελαδάρης {ο} geladaris
cattle egret [Bubulcus ibis]
gjedhë {f}
cattle {pl}
gjedh {m}
cattle {pl}
Suggest missing translations: EO, BS, SR
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