Translations German Translations English
Translations for "chatterbox" found in: Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Quasselstrippe {f} [ugs.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Plappermaul {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Labertasche {f} [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Plaudertasche {f} [hum.] [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Schwätzer {m} [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Klatschtante {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Dampfplauderer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Schnatterente {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Schnatterliese {f} [ugs.]
chatterbox [coll.]
Dauerquassler {m} [ugs.]
chatterbox [coll.]
kletskous {de}
kletstante {de}
pratkvarn {u} [vard.]
chatterbox [coll.]
kjaftaskúmur {k} [niðr.]
chatterbox [coll.]
kjaftatífa {kv} [niðr.]
chatterbox [coll.]
parlanchín {m} [col.]
chatterbox [coll.]
parlanchina {f} [col.]
chatterbox [coll.] [female]
pipelette {f} [fam.]
chatterbox [coll.]
salière {f} [jeu de la cocotte en papier]
chatterbox [paper fortune teller]
bavard {m}
bavarde {f}
chatterbox [female]
moulin {m} à paroles [fam.]
chatterbox [coll.]
chiacchierone {m} [peg.]
chatterbox [coll.] [male person]
chiacchierona {f}
chatterbox [coll.] [female person]
сорока {ж} [перен.] [разг.] [о болтливом человеке] soroka
chatterbox [coll.]
пустодзвін {ч}
chatterbox [coll.]
táradlo {n}
chatterbox [coll.]
táraj {m}
chatterbox [coll.]
tárajka {f}
chatterbox [female] [coll.]
ukecanec {m} [ľud.]
chatterbox [coll.]
tárač {m}
chatterbox [coll.]
táračka {f}
chatterbox [female] [coll.]
trepaj {m}
chatterbox [coll.]
trepajka {f}
chatterbox [female] [coll.]
Suggest missing translations: LA, DA, PT, NO, HR, TR, CS, BG, SQ, EO, BS, FI, EL, SR, HU, PL, RO
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