Translations German Translations English
Translations for "chips" found in: Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Bratkartoffeln {pl}
Pommes {pl} [ugs.]
chips [Br.]
Chips {pl}
crisps [Br.] [potato crisps]
Chips {pl}
chips [Am.]
Fritten {pl} [ugs.]
chips [Br.]
Späne {pl} [kurz für: Metallspäne]
chips [swarf]
Abfall {m} [Späne]
chips {pl} [waste material]
Hackschnitzel {pl}
Chips {pl}
Jetons {pl}
patat {de} [NN]
chips [esp. Br.]
frieten {mv} [BN]
chips [esp. Br.]
friet {de} [ZvN]
chips [esp. Br.]
chips {mv}
chips [esp. Am.]
chips {mv}
crisps [esp Br.]
pommes frites {pl}
chips [Br.]
pomfrit {fk}
chips [Br.]
franskar kartöflur {kv.ft}
chips [Br.]
patatas fritas {} [esp.]
chips [Br.]
papas fritas {} [am.]
chips [Br.]
batatas {} fritas
chips [Br.]
frites {}
chips [Br.]
chips {}
potato chips [Am.]
pommes {} frites
chips [Br.]
chips {}
(potato) crisps [Br.]
patatine {} fritte
chips [Br.]
cipsuri {pl}
chips [potato chips]
cartofi {pl} pai
chips [Br.]
cartofi {pl} prăjiți
chips [Br.]
картофель {m} фри kartofelʹ fri
chips [Br.]
frytki {}
chips [Br.]
hranolky {}
chips [Br.]
hranolky {pl} [ľud.]
chips {pl} [Br.]
hranolčeky {pl}
chips {pl} [Br.]
pomfrit {m}
chips {pl} [Br.]
krumpirići {pl}
chips {pl} [Br.]
prženi krumpirići {pl}
chips {pl} [Br.]
pomfrit {pl}
chips {sg} [Br.]
чипс {м} tschips
chips [Br.]
hasábburgonya {sg}
chips {pl} [Br.]
ranskalaiset perunat {pl}
chips [Br.]
patates kızartması
chips [Br.]
πατάτες τηγανιτές {οι} patates tiganites
chips [Br.]
chips [Br.]
Suggest missing translations: LA, NO, SQ, SR
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