Translations German Translations English
Translations for "common sandpiper" found in: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Flussuferläufer {m}
common sandpiper [Actitis hypoleucos]
oeverloper {de} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
drillsnäppa {u} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
mudderklire {fk}
common sandpiper [Actitis hypoleucos]
strandsnipe {m/f} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
lindastelkur {k} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
andarríos {m} chico [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
maçarico-das-rochas {m} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
chevalier {m} guignette [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
piro-piro {m} piccolo [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
перевозчик {м} [Actitis hypoleucos] perewostschik
common sandpiper
brodziec {m} piskliwy [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
pisík {m} obecný
common sandpiper [Actitis hypoleucos]
kalužiačik {m} malý [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
mala prutka {f} [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
късокрил кюкавец {м} kʌsokril kjukavets
common sandpiper [Actitis hypoleucos]
billegetőcankó [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
rantasipi [Actitis hypoleucos]
common sandpiper
Suggest missing translations: LA, TR, SQ, EO, BS, EL, SR, RO
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