Translations German Translations English
Translations for "equal (to)" found in: Danish, German, Icelandic, Latin, Russian, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
equal to
gleich [+Dat.]
equal to
to try to equal [in excellence etc.]
Apostelgleicher {m}
Equal-to-apostles [honorific title, e.g. St. Cosmas]
identisch mit
identically equal to
lig med
equal to
að valda [ráða við]
to be equal to
að vera jafn
to be equal to
equivaler a
to be equal to
adaequare [1]
to make equal to
пригодный [для какой-либо трудной задачи] prigodnyj
equal (to) [appropriate]
способный [справиться с какой-л. задачей] sposobnyj
equal (to) [appropriate]
Suggest missing translations: IT, UK, PT, NO, HR, TR, CS, BG, SQ, EO, BS, FI, EL, SR, FR, SV, HU, NL, PL, RO, SK
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