Translations German Translations English
Translations for "interstate highway" found in: Bulgarian, French, German, Norwegian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Fernstraße {f} [in den USA]
interstate (highway)
Autobahn {f}
interstate (highway) [Am.]
Überlandstraße {f}
interstate (highway) [Am.]
Fernstraßennetz {n}
interstate highway system [Am.]
mautfreie Autobahn {f}
toll-free interstate (highway) [US]
[motorvei som er en del av det landsomfattende U.S. Interstate Highway System]
interstate (highway) [Am.]
autopista {f} interestatal
interstate (highway) [Am.]
autoroute {f} (inter-États)
interstate (highway) [Am.]
medzištátna cesta {f} [medzi štátmi USA]
interstate (highway) [in the US]
автомагистрала {ж} [преминаваща през няколко щата в САЩ] avtomagistrala
interstate (highway) [Am.]
Suggest missing translations: IT, LA, UK, DA, PT, HR, TR, CS, RU, SQ, EO, BS, FI, EL, SR, SV, HU, NL, PL, RO, IS
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