Translations German Translations English
Translations for "martin" found in: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Hausschwalbe {f}
Martin {m}
oeverzwaluw {de} [Riparia riparia]
sand martin [Br.]
himalayahussvala {u} [Delichon nipalense, syn.: D. nipalensis]
Nepal (house) martin
digesvale {fk}
sand martin [Br.] [Riparia riparia]
Martin {m}
bæjasvala {kv} [Delichon urbicum]
(common) house martin
martín {m} pescador enano [Chloroceryle aenea]
American pygmy kingfisher
Martin {m}
balestruccio {m} [Delichon urbicum]
(common) house martin
воронок {м} [Delichon urbicum] woronok
(common) house martin
brzegówka {f} (zwyczajna) [Riparia riparia]
sand martin [Br.]
břehule {f} říční
sand martin [Br.] [Riparia riparia]
Martin {m}
брегова лястовица {ж} bregova ljastovitsa
sand martin [Br.] [Riparia riparia]
partifecske [Riparia riparia]
sand martin [Br.]
λευκοχελίδονο {το} levkochelidono
(common) house martin [Delichon urbicum]
bordhirundo [Riparia riparia]
sand martin [Br.]
Suggest missing translations: LA, PT, HR, TR, SQ, BS, SR, RO
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