Translations German Translations English
Translations for "offence!" found in: Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Straftat {f}
offence [esp. Br.]
Vergehen {n} [Verstoß]
offence [minor crime] [esp. Br.]
Beleidigung {f}
offence [to feelings­] [esp. Br.]
Delikt {n}
offence [esp. Br.]
Angriff {m}
offence [Br.]
Verstoß {m}
offence [Br.]
Anstoß {m} [Ärgernis]
offence [esp. Br.] [annoyance]
Ärgernis {n}
offence [Br.] [source of annoyance]
förseelse {u}
offence [Br.]
lovbrudd {n}
offence [Br.]
afbrot {hv}
misgerð {kv}
offence [minor crime] [esp. Br.]
infracción {f}
offence [Br.]
ofensa {f}
offence [Br.] [insult, violation]
delito {m}
offence [Br.]
crime {m}
offence [Br.]
falta {f}
offence [Br.]
délit {m}
offence [Br.]
infraction {f}
offence [Br.]
offense {f} [insulte]
offence [to feelings­] [Br.]
reato {m}
offence [Br.]
jignire {f}
offence [to feelings­] [esp. Br.]
crimen {n}
offence [Br.] [in respect to the accused]
offensum {n}
offence [Br.]
offensio {f}
offence [esp. Br.] [annoyance]
offensatio {f}
offence [Br.]
нарушение {с} [закона, правил] naruschenije
offence [esp. Br.] [breach of a law or rule]
преступление {с} prestuplenije
offence [esp. Br.]
przestępstwo {n}
offence [Br.]
наступ {ч}
offence [Br.]
напад {ч}
offence [Br.]
přečin {m}
offence [Br.]
přestupek {m}
offence [Br.]
delikt {m}
offence [Br.]
porušení {n} zákona
offence [Br.]
urážka {f}
offence [Br.]
delikt {m}
offence [Br.]
priestupok {m}
offence [Br.]
porušenie {n} zákona
offence [Br.]
uvreda {f}
offence [Br.] [insult]
prekršaj {m}
offence [minor crime] [esp. Br.]
offence [Br.]
offence [Br.]
offence [esp. Br.]
offence [Br.]
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