Translations German Translations English
Translations for "premises" found in: Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Grundstück {n}
premises {pl}
Geschäftsräume {pl}
premises [of a firm, indoor]
Räumlichkeiten {pl}
premises [rooms]
Firmengelände {n}
premises {pl} [of a company]
Voraussetzungen {pl} [Prämissen]
premises [preconditions]
Anwesen {pl}
Laden {m}
premises {pl} [shop]
Gelände {n}
premises {pl} [grounds]
Lokal {n}
premises {pl}
Prämissen {pl}
premises [propositions]
perceel {het}
premises {pl}
pand {het}
premises {pl}
bedrijfsterrein {het}
premises {pl} [of a company]
tomt {u}
premises {pl}
lokaler {pl}
premises [rooms]
athafnasvæði {hv}
premises {pl} [of a company]
instalações {}
premises [rooms]
premissas {}
locaux {}
premises [rooms]
teren {n}
premises {pl}
sediu {n}
premises {pl}
здание {с} [с прилегающими постройками и участком земли] sdanije
premises {pl}
помещениe {с} [для учреждения] pomeschtschenie
premises {pl} [rooms]
исходные предпосылки {мн} ischodnyje predposylki
premises {pl}
předpoklad {m}
premises {pl}
просторије {мн} prostorije
premises [rooms]
telephely {sg}
premises {pl}
taşınmaz mülk
Suggest missing translations: LA, DA, NO, HR, BG, SQ, EO, BS, FI, EL, ES, PL, SK
© English-German dictionary 2024
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