Translations German Translations English
Translations for "red-footed" found in: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
roodpootvalk {de} [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
aftonfalk {u} [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
aftenfalk {fk}
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]
aftenfalk {m} [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
kvöldfálki {k} [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
cernícalo {m} de patas rojas [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
falcão-de-pés-vermelhos {m} [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
faucon {m} kobez [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
falco {m} cuculo [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
vinderel {m} cu picioare roșii
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]
кобчик {м} [Falco vespertinus] kobtschik
red-footed falcon
kobczyk {m} (zwyczajny) [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
poštolka {f} rudonohá
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]
sokol {m} kobcovitý [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
сива ветрушка {ж} [Falco vespertinus] siva vetruška
red-footed falcon
червенонога ветрушка {ж} tschervenonoga vetruschka
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]
kék vércse [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
punajalkahaukka [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
μαυροκιρκίνεζο {το} mavrokirkinezo
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]
ruĝpieda falko [Falco vespertinus]
red-footed falcon
Suggest missing translations: LA, HR, TR, SQ, BS
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