Translations German Translations English
Translations for "restroom" found in: Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Toilette {f} [Raum (in einem öffentlichen Gebäude)]
restroom [Am.] [toilet in a public building]
WC {n} [Raum (in einem öffentlichen Gebäude)]
restroom [Am.] [toilet in a public building]
Aufenthaltsraum {m} [zum Ausruhen, Entspannen]
restroom [Br.] [a room in a public building for people to relax or recover in]
toilet {het}
restroom [Am.]
toalett {u}
restroom [Am.]
toilet {n}
restroom [Am.]
klósett {hv}
restroom [Am.]
baño {m}
restroom [Am.]
aseo {m}
restroom [Am.]
lavabo {m}
restroom [Am.]
retrete {m}
restroom [Am.]
servicios {}
restroom [Am.]
toilettes {}
restroom [Am.]
bagno {m}
restroom [Am.]
toilette {f}
restroom [Am.]
toaletă {f}
restroom [Am.]
sella {f} familiarica
restroom [Am.]
ubikacja {f}
restroom [Am.]
toaleta {f}
restroom [Am.]
WC {n}
restroom [Am.]
toaleta {f}
restroom [Am.]
клозет {м} klozet
restroom [Am.]
заход {м} zahod
restroom [Am.]
нужник {м} nužnik
restroom [Am.]
тоалет {м} toalet
restroom [Am.]
zahod {m}
restroom [Am.]
ćenifa {f} [razg.]
restroom [Am.]
тоалетна {ж} toaletna
restroom [Am.]
restroom [Am.]
restroom [Am.]
memişhane [osm.]
restroom [Am.]
restroom [Am.]
αποχωρητήριο {το} [επίσ.] [παρωχ.] apochoritirio
restroom [Am.]
τουαλέτα {η} toualeta
restroom [Am.]
restroom [Am.]
Suggest missing translations: PT, CS, RU, SQ
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