Translations German Translations English
Translations for "scops" found in: Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Fuchseule {f}
spotted scops owl [Otus spilocephalus]
pembadwergooruil {de} [Otus pembaensis]
Pemba scops owl
javadvärguv {u} [Otus angelinae]
Javan scops owl
dværghornugle {fk}
(Eurasian) scops owl [Otus scops]
dverghornugle {m/f} [Otus scops]
(Eurasian) scops owl
autillo {m} europeo [Otus scops]
(European) scops owl
petit-duc {m} de Java [Otus angelinae]
Javan scops owl
assiolo {m} [Otus scops]
(European) scops owl
ошейниковая совка {ж} [Otus bakkamoena] oschejnikowaja sowka
Indian scops owl
syczek {m} arabski [Otus brucei]
pallid scops owl
výreček {m} africký
African scops owl [Otus senegalensis]
пустињски ћук {м} [Otus brucei] pustinjski ćuk
pallid scops owl
füleskuvik [Otus scops]
(European) scops owl
kyläpöllönen [Otus scops]
Eurasian scops owl
Suggest missing translations: LA, PT, HR, TR, BG, SQ, EO, BS, EL, RO, SK, IS
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