Translations German Translations English
Translations for "stick out" found in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
to stick out
to stick out
to stick out
to stick out [coll.] [idiom]
to stick out
uitsteken [naar buiten steken]
to stick out
att sticka ut
to stick out
å stikke ut
to stick out
að ulla á
to stick one's tongue out at
asomar [cabeza etc. por una ventana]
to stick out [head etc. through a window]
to stick out
to stick out
déborder [faire saillie]
to stick out
déborder [dépasser]
to stick out from
se mouiller [fam.] [loc.] [prendre un risque]
to stick one's neck out [coll.] [idiom]
торчать [в сторону] [несов.] tortschatʹ
to stick out
выступать [выдаваться - о предмете или части тела] [несов.] wystupatʹ
to stick out
высовывать язык [несов.] wysowywatʹ jasyk
to stick one's tongue out
высунуть язык [сов.] wysunutʹ jasyk
to stick one's tongue out
vystrčiť [dok.]
to stick out
vysunúť [dok.]
to stick out
vyčnievať [nedok.]
to stick out
vytŕčať [nedok.]
to stick out
odstávať [nedok.]
to stick out
изпъквам [несв.] izpʌkvam
to stick out
стърча [несв.] stʌrtscha
to stick out
to stick out
nxjerr gjuhën
to stick out one's tongue
Suggest missing translations: IT, LA, DA, PT, HR, TR, CS, EO, BS, EL, SR, HU, PL, RO
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