Translations German Translations English
Translations for "suspend" found in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
aussetzen [Verordnungen, Regelungen etc.]
to suspend [make temporarily inoperative]
to suspend [temporarily stop]
aufhalten [verzögern]
to suspend [defer]
sperren [z. B. ein Konto, Einfuhr etc.]
to suspend [temporarily stop; e.g. an account, imports etc.]
aufschieben [auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verlegen]
to suspend [defer]
suspendieren [zeitweilig aufheben]
to suspend [make temporarily inoperative]
verschieben [auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verlegen]
to suspend [defer]
beurlauben [bis auf weiteres von seinen Dienstpflichten entbinden]
to suspend [temporarily remove from a post during investigation]
sistieren [geh.] [aussetzen]
to suspend [make temporarily inoperative]
einhängen [von oben nach unten]
to suspend [hang]
to suspend
to suspend
at suspendere
to suspend
å innstille
to suspend [operations, work]
to suspend
to suspend
geler [projet, production, processus]
to suspend
suspendre [émission, publication, relations, paiement]
to suspend [interrupt]
différer [départ, réunion, décision]
to suspend [defer]
sospendere [fig.]
to suspend
to suspend
a suspenda
to suspend
распустить (истор.: временное правительство) raspustitʹ (istor.: wremennoje prawitelʹstwo)
to suspend
suspendovať / [dok.]
to suspend
dočasne zbaviť funkcie [dok.]
to suspend [debar from office]
suspendirati [sv./nesv.]
to suspend
prekinuti [sv.]
to suspend
спирам spiram
to suspend
отстранявам [несв.] [временно от длъжност, игра и пр.] otstranjavam
to suspend
to suspend
to suspend
to suspend
Suggest missing translations: LA, SV, TR, CS, EO, BS, EL, SR, PL, IS
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