Translations German Translations English
Translations for "the Sun" found in: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
die Sonne {f} <☉> [der Stern im Zentrum unseres Sonnensystems]
the Sun <☉> [the star at the center of our Solar System]
near the sun [postpos.]
exposed to the sun [postpos.]
dried in the sun [postpos.]
auf Erden [geh.]
under the sun [idiom]
zoneclips {de}
eclipse of the sun
zonsverduistering {de}
eclipse of the sun
solkungen {u} [best. f.] [Ludvig XIV av Frankrike]
the Sun King
solenergi {u}
power of the sun
Og solen går sin gang
The Sun Also Rises [Ernest Hemingway]
solvarme {m}
heat / warmth from the sun
midnattssolens land {n}
land of the midnight sun
sólargangur {k}
path of the sun
eclipse {m} solar
eclipse of the sun
browned by the sun
lézarder [fam.]
to bask in the sun
lézarder [fam.]
to lie stretched out in the sun
éruption {f} solaire
volcanic eruption of the surface of the sun
Fiesta (Il sole sorgerà ancora)
The Sun Also Rises [Ernest Hemingway]
Soarele {m} <☉> [steaua din centrul sistemului solar]
the Sun <☉> [the star at the center of the Solar System]
apusul {n} soarelui
setting of the sun
eclipsă {f} solară
eclipse of the sun
Солнце {с} [звезда в центре Солнечной системы] Solnze
the Sun <☉> [the star at the center of the Solar System]
Słońce też wschodzi
The Sun Also Rises [Ernest Hemingway]
na slnku
in the sun
eclipse of the sun
a Napkirály [XIV. Lajos francia király]
the Sun King [Louis XIV of France]
Ja aurinko nousee
The Sun Also Rises [Ernest Hemingway]
Suggest missing translations: LA, PT, HR, TR, CS, BG, SQ, EO, BS, EL, SR
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