Translations German Translations English
Translations for "to convince" found in: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
to convince
Investoren überzeugen
to convince investors
von überzeugen
to convince of
zu überreden
to convince of [persuade]
Überzeugungs­kraft {f}
power to convince
to convince
to convince
att övertyga (om)
to convince (of)
at overbevise
to convince
at overtyde [gl.]
to convince
at overbevise (om)
to convince (of)
å overbevise
to convince
að sannfæra
to convince
persuadir a
to convince [persuade]
convencer a de
to convince of
to convince
to convince
convencer (de)
to convince (of)
to convince
convaincre que ...
to convince that ...
convaincre de
to convince of
to convince
a convinge
to convince
a convinge pe de
to convince of [persuade]
убеждать [несов.] [доказывать] ubeschdatʹ
to convince
убедить в [+prep.] [сов.] ubeditʹ w
to convince of
przekonać [dok.]
to convince
przekonać o [dok.]
to convince (of)
przekonywać [niedok.] o [+loc.]
to convince of
přesvědčit [dok.]
to convince
presvedčiť [dok.]
to convince
lámať [nedok.] [ľud.] [presviedčať]
to try to convince [push hard to convince]
nalamovať [nedok.] [ľud.] [presviedčať]
to try to convince [push hard to convince]
presvedčiť o [dok.]
to convince of
ubijediti [sv.] [reg.]
to convince
ubjeđivati [nesv.] [reg.]
to convince
uvjeriti [sv.]
to convince
uvjeravati [nesv.]
to convince
ubijediti [sv.]
to convince
ubjeđivati [nesv.]
to convince
убеждавам ubeschdavam
to convince
to convince
saada vakuuttuneeksi
to convince
ikna etmek
to convince of
to convince
to convince oneself
konvinki (pri )
to convince (of )
Suggest missing translations: LA, EL, SR
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